
If you've followed my blog for anytime at all than you've heard me talk about my friend Kelsey. If you had a friend like Kelsey you would be talking about her as well, as she's an amazing friend. As I've mentioned before, Kelsey moved in with my parents in June of 2007. She came to the DC area for a 6 week internship and ended up getting a job downtown and stayed until the spring of 2010. Kels married Jake a month before Chris and I got married and they are now stationed in NC with the Marines.

The other day I came across these pictures from March of 2008 when Kelsey and I made Tagalongs. Since this is the time of year when the girl scouts are selling their cookies it only seems fitting to share this amazingly simple dessert. Kels received this recipe from work. It's become one of our favorite quick cookie recipes.

Recently I came across a more complicated tagalong recipe. Be on the lookout for that recipe, as I hope to try the recipe soon.



  • Peanut butter
  • Confectionary Sugar
  • Ritz Crackers
  • Milk Chocolate

I don't have the exact amounts for the ingredients, as it's recipe that I change everytime I make it. If I only want a few cookies, than I use less ingredients. If I want more cookies...than I use more ingredients.

In a bowl, mix peanut butter and enough confectionary sugar so that it's not extremely sticky, but sticky enough to put in between the crackers.

Place a tablespoon or so of the peanut butter/sugar mixer between two crackers. We like to roll the cracker to get the extra peanut butter off the sides. See picture below.

Melt your favorite milk chocolate. I've found that the Nestle Milk Chocolate chips melt really well.
Place your cookies on a baking sheet. I like to cover my baking sheet with parchment paper, as it's easy to clean.
Place the cookie sheet in the frig and allow the chocolate to harden.


  1. ohhhhhhh yummmmmmmm. My kids cleaned out our girl scout cookies in an unGodly short amount of time. Might have to make these for them!!


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