
This is one of those meals that I grew up having. It's extremely easy and I almost always have all the ingredients in my pantry or refrigerator. It's a FABULOUS meal!! This takes taco's to a new level.


lb of Ground Beef
Glove of Garlic-Cut up into small pieces
Green Onions (3 or more-cut up)
Chili Powder (1 Tablespoon)
Cheddar Cheese (1 cup for meat mixture and more for topping)
Refried Beans-(1 can)
Tomato-Cup up into small pieces
Black Olives-Drain the can
Sour Cream-A dollop for each person
Guacamole-A dollop for each person
Tortillas-1 for each person

Brown the ground beef in a saucepan.Add 1 cup of cheedar cheese, 1 can of refried beans, and green onions to the ground beef.
Oil large skillet. Fry tortilla shells on both sides.Place your meat mixture on top of the tortilla's.

Top with your favorite toppings.


  1. did you make your own guac or buy it in the store?

  2. Amy, I actually bought the guacamole, but Ina Garten has a fabulous recipe if you want to make your own.


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