One of Chris' close friends is getting married this weekend. When searching for the perfect wedding gift I struggled due to not knowing the couple very well and their wedding registry is extremely small. The last few years I've shopped for more wedding gifts that I can even count. Most of my friends have had multiple registries, with numerous pages of requests on each registry.
When shopping for today's wedding I STRUGGLED. What do you buy for a couple you don't know? What do you buy for a couple who have been living together for a couple years and likely already have everything they need?
I decided to put together a gift basket with some of the things on their registry, along with some other essentials.
Every kitchen needs wooden spoons.
I wrote down a couple of our favorite recipes on cards and included them in the basket. When Chris and I got married our friend Amy put together one of the coolest baskets, filled with items that had Mrs. Moore and M monogrammed on them. I loved the items so much
I decided to throw in M coasters for Chris' friends, as their last name starts with an M.
I didn't know what their kitchen colors are, so I guessed, based on the colors they chose for their bathroom.
I found kitchen towels and oven mits, as every kitchen needs both.
Our favorite wine is the Trader Joe's Charles Shaw".
I added a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.
You can't see them in the picture, but there are candles, measuring cups, cutting board and more.Then I wrapped the basket in cellophane. 
Now onto creating the next gift baskets for upcoming weddings and showers.
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