Mothers Day Reflections
My mother-in-law-Jeannie, my mom-Jan, me and my aunt Joyce
Once a year we're given the opportunity to honor the mothers in our lives who have impacted us, changed us, loved us, and at times sacrificed for us.
For 30 years I've been blessed to have been surrounded by so many Proverbs 31 women, including my own mother. Not only did my mom place her career on hold when I was born, but she sacrificed so much so that my brother and I could have her in the home. Over the years she's become one of my best friends and I can't imagine my life without her.
I love you mom!!

Mom and I in California in the early 80's.
Another mother in my life is actually my aunt. For 30 years she's been like a second mom. She's my mom's younger sister and there have been few family vacations and holidays that we haven't celebrated together. I first met my Aunt Joyce when she came to see me in Germany after I was born. She's been there in the good times and bad. Over the years we've had some crazy adventures, such as the summer that we spent two weeks in my grandparents home-while sorting through 50 years of memories. I love our phone chats.
I love you Aunt Joyce!
Meg, Aunt Joyce and Jan (my mom) in California.
When I married Chris I was blessed to also obtain an amazing family. We often laugh about how similar our upbringings were. Over the years I've heard nightmares about mother-in-laws. I've been very blessed to have a wonderful mother-in-law.

I can't talk about mothers without mentioning my great-grandmother and grandmothers. These women have been pillars in my family. My great-grandmother died almost 2 years ago, but the impact that she had on my life I will be eternally grateful for. My grandmother Campbell has alzheimers and she now lives in a care facility. Most of my childhood memories are from the times I visited her and my grandfather in Connecticut. My dad's mother, Mamma Jane as I used to call her has become a great friend over the years. I can't imagine my life without these women.

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