Come and Gone

It's been far too long since I last wrote. How can I put into a short post all that has happened since I last posted? Well, Christmas has once again come and gone. As one can imagine this year was a little more special than the last, since it was our first Christmas being married.

Meg and Chris
Christmas 2010

It's rather sad to look around and see the various reminders that Christmas has come and gone. Whether it's that last piece of crumpled wrapping paper that didn't make it into the trash can, that tin of Christmas cookies still sitting on the counter begging to be eaten, that Christmas tree that's sitting on the curb waiting for the trash man, the stack of gift cards waiting be spent or that Christmas song that won't leave your head. With Christmas behind us and the new year begun, we have much to look forward to. We have a new year-fresh start ahead of us, and a year of new new adventures to look forward.

After 12+ years of friendship, two families were united in 2010. Never did we imagine that our two families would be spending Christmas Eve 2010 together. Now that Chris and I have started our own family we look forward to creating new traditions. Traditions that not only bring our family together, but cause us to reflect on our Savior, Jesus Christ. We look forward to many Moore-Maginnis family traditions.

Moore-Maginnis Christmas 2010

Every year around this time we find ourselves reflecting on the year and what blessings and challenges we were faced with and how we learned from them. As I reflect on 2010 and think about the weddings I was in, the graduations I attended, the traveling I did, marrying my best friend, taking on new work projects and so forth I find that none of that really mattered. What I did or didn't do for the Lord was what really mattered. What will 2011 bring? Will there be more weddings? Will I travel the world? What will I do to further the Kingdom of God? Will I make a difference in the lives of those around me?

As we look forward to the new year may we not loose our focus and our purpose in life, to glorify God in everything we do.

Last week I had the amazing blessing to spend a few days in NYC with my husband and in-laws. During our trip we were given the opportunity to have a VIP tour of the Empire State Building by a girl who works in the building. As we were standing on the roof of the building, overlooking NYC with the sun going down I couldn't help but think of the beautiful creation that God created. May we never take it for granted. NYC is not the perfect example of a city living for the Lord, it's quite the opposite, but standing on that roof with the cold December wind rushing through my body I had to remind myself the Christ died for all of us, despite our sinful nature.

What will you do for Him this year?

New York City-December 2010


  1. I love that you have a blog & that our families are a big part in it. =] I enjoy reading them!


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