"Twin" Cousin (Who Makes Me Cry)

Celebrating my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary in 1998.
In 2004 I graduated from college and moved back to the DC area. Sarah graduated from high school the same time and a couple weeks after I moved home she moved to Annapolis to begin her Navy career. Now that Sarah was so close we saw her on her free weekends and holidays. As a result of all that time spent together we formed an incredible friendship.

Sarah has now been out of college 2 1/2 years and during that time she's lived on both coasts, traveled the world, married her college sweetheart and grown up quickly.
Over the last few years we've been told that we could pass for sisters. It's actually not uncommon for us to go out and have people ask if we're twins. At first we laughed it off and tried to correct people. Now we don't even try to correct people. Even our own grandmother gets us confused. She has an excuse, since she has Alzheimer's.
Sarah and I were in each others weddings. I've joked with Sarah that I hardly cried at my own wedding, but I came close when she gave her toast as my matron of honor. Then I shed a few tears when I saw pictures of her ship leaving port. The girl knows how to make me cry. haha!

Sarah and I at her wedding in 2009.

Some may ask why write a blog about Sarah right now. The answer is easy, because Sarah has been on my mind this week, as she deployed on Tuesday for 7 months with the Navy. As hard as it was to say goodbye, I'm so thankful for her dedication and service to the United States of America. If you've been in my home and seen all my American flags or talked with me for any length of time than you know I tend to be a very patriotic person. I grew up in a military home and have generations of military leaders in my family. Well, that patriotism took on a new meaning when I learned of Sarah and her husband deploying. So often we take our freedom for granted.
The next time you see a serviceman in uniform, tell them "Thank you". Those simple words go a long way.
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