"It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it." ~A.A. Hodge

Some may wonder about why I've decided to write about standing up for the truth. Some may just say it's because we as believers in Jesus Christ are commanded throughout scripture to fight the good fight and show that we're not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.

For the past 17 years, most of my junior high, high school, college and young adults years were spent engrossed in the culture battle that my dad fought on a daily basis. As believers we all fight the culture battle on a daily basis, whether it's by making a conscience effort as a child to not lie to our parents, steal gum from the grocery store, cheat on a test, or disobey our parents when they told us not to do something. As we get older we're faced with tougher issues like whether or not we should disobey the law and speed, abort our unborn baby, cheat on our spouse and the list goes on. For 17 years my dad has been on the front lines fighting the culture battle, by standing up for the truth and everything that we as believers should be standing firm on.

It's never been popular to stand up for the truth and cause people to reflect on their own lives and how they should be living. One of those tough issues that Scripture is extremely clear about is the issue of homosexuality. In Leviticus 18:22 it says "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable". Take Sodom and Gomorrah for instance. Because of the extensive amount of sin in the land, God destroyed the cities. In 2010, how are we any different? Two years ago I visited a site in the Middle East where they believe Sodom and Gomorrah once stood. This site is still a heap of ash, thousands of years later. Walking along the road near this site I was reminded of the story and the power of God.

Is it popular to stand up for the truth? NO. In 1993 my dad took on the incredibly difficult task of fighting the culture battle. This battle was difficult on our family, brought on unwanted attention, caused many sleepless nights, and at times even placed us in uncomfortable positions. Despite the hateful words and abuse from the opposition, my dad continued to fight for the truth.

I'm thankful that my dad has been willing to stand up for the truth, even when it wasn't the popuular.


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