Bathroom Adventures

Visiting a public bathroom at the mall last week.
A friend of mine from college posts almost daily the hilarious pictures of her bathroom adventures with her four young boys. As I read her funny posts about being a mom I can't help but relate and laugh about how much my life has changed since becoming a mom. Almost three years ago a dark haired, chubby, 11 lb. baby entered my life and changed me forever. Life got even more entertaining the day his brother entered the world and I became outnumbered. 

How has my life changed since kids?

Before kids I could…

1.) Pee by myself 
-Now I have a toddler standing there watching me or better yet climbing into the sink while emptying out a tube of toothpaste. Oh the stories I could tell about going into a public restroom with an active toddler who attempts to open the stall door each time and leave. I'm still waiting for the time he actually does escape and I'm found running after him with my underwear half way around my ankles. That story will be its own post. 

2.) Go to the mall on a whim
-Now I have to plan ahead-nurse the baby, make sure the toddler has "gone potty", pack a bag with a change of clothes for both boys because we know someone will have an accident, pack snacks to ensure that no one starves during our 2 hours away from home, and then just as we get all packed in the car the baby falls asleep and the toddler becomes cranky and decides to have a tantrum. So, in other words, we don't go to the mall anymore.

3.) Have privacy
-What's that? Somehow I've forgotten the meaning of the word.

4.) Eat in a nice restaurant
-Now we look for restaurants that have children play areas, kid friendly menu, and a table near the play area so that we can block my toddler from escaping. Oh the stories I could tell about restaurant workers stopping my toddler from running out the front door of the restaurant.

5.) Go on a date with my husband
 -What is this foreign word? Before kids I was told to continue to date my husband.  What people didn't tell you was the cost of babysitters and the time and energy it would take to get out of the house for a couple of hours. Good thing we have grandparents who live nearby. :)

Thank goodness for Redbox, Chinese take-out and an early bedtime!!

6.) Eat candy out in the open
-This is my favorite!! :) Sometimes I feel like a crack dealer when I secretly hand my husband a handful of M&M's so that our toddler doesn't see.

7.) Sleep-in
-This is something I took for granted before I had kids. I used to be able to stay-up late on a Friday night and leisurely get up Saturday morning and enjoy a cup of coffee while watching the morning news. Now I'm lucky if my child sleeps-in until 7AM and gives me time to catch the highlights of the morning news before he's begging to watch Mickey Mouse and have his breakfast. 

I could go on and on about how much my life has changed and how crazy things have become. But then I can also talk about how awesome my life has become since I became a mom. There isn't anything sweeter than snuggling with your child while you read their bedtime stories. You'll never forget the first time they look up at you and tell you they love you. Your heart will melt when they greet you with the biggest hug and excitement when you return home after being away from them. There are so many amazing things about being a mom. 


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